September 14, 2012

Meet the People Who Make elephant Soar–Our Writers.

Princess by Katarina Silva.

We’re on a campaign to highlight all our terrific elephant writers.

How are we doing that?  We’re interviewing them!

The first of these new interviews with top elephant writers just came out in April. It’s an inspiring interview with Katarina Silva by Laura Stefani:

Beauty Without a Face. The Katarina Silva Interview

Here are the other interviews so far in the series.  Thanks to all the writers and interviewers:

Keeping Our Minds in Practice:
An Interview with Yogini Carol Horton. (~ Mary King)

Kino MacGregor: Interview with an Ashtanga Goddess. (~ Laura Stefani)

The Revolution of the Mommies: a Writer Interview with Joana Smith. (~Mary King)

Yoga = Practice & Tantra = Yoga:
An Interview with Ramesh Bjonnes. (~ Edith Lazenby)

Physician Heal Thyself. ~ Dr. Satkirin Khalsa, MD. (~ Sharon Pingitore)

“With great blessings comes great responsibility.” Nadine McNeil (~Mary King)

An Interview with Lynn Hasselberger. (~ Jill Barth)


Plus, here are interviews I’ve done myself with elephant writers in the past:

The Dance of Divine Love: An Interview with Catherine Ghosh.

Poetry, Yoga and Inner City Youth: An Interview with HawaH.

How Yoga Has Transformed American Spirituality:
An Interview with Phil Goldberg, “American Veda”.

Interview: special guest Lucy Edge: “Yoga School Dropout.”

I know there may be others from the past I’m missing, too.  Please point them out to me so I can include them here as well.

Please also visit our elephant writers gallery on Pinterest, which is also the “Our Writers” tab at the top of any elephant page. You can see all their faces in one place, browse though their bios, and you’re only two clicks away from all their articles on elephant.  (I know we’re behind on a lot of new writers.  If you’re not in the gallery and would like to be, please let me know):

Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. Thank you for your support.



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