September 14, 2012

This woman was born in 1936.

This is about health. About joy. Not about reclaiming past youth, but about taking care of ourselves that we might share the joy.

She’s 84, now! The look on her face is the best thing about this.

Inspiring, considering I’m just trying to get out for a walk and not eat 10 piece of cinnamon raison toast every morning. ~ Waylon

We can take care of ourselves at any age.

“This woman was born in 1937.”

Bonus photo: Halle Berry at 51.
Ernestine Shepherd Images

Fun Exercise vs. Work Stress:

Bonus: The Buddha, on Aging: Every body gets Old.

Ernestine Shepherd, former Guiness record holder for the World’s Oldest Bodybuilder. From her Wiki

Her diet consists of 1,700 calories a day, mostly from boiled egg whites, chicken, vegetables and a liquid egg white drink, and she runs about 80 miles a week; she does not take supplements


This radiant, smiling athlete could and should inspire half our nation, half her age, to maintain our physical well-being with more fidelity as our years advance.

“Ernestine Shepherd, age 75, wakes up at 3 a.m. every day to meditate, and then clocks up runs totaling 10 mi (16 km) before lunch. In 2010 and 2011 she was recognized by Guiness as oldest competitive female bodybuilder in the world.”


For more: Reddit, Imgur.


Halle Berry’s Bikini body at 51.


Bonus, mindful wellness:


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