December 19, 2012

If the Mayans Lived Today…

…They just might have a lolcat calendar.

I want you to think about this objectively for a moment. We are, at this moment, one of the most—if not the most—technologically superior races in the history of our species. But, even in all of our vast useless technological creations, from the computer to the ShamWow (let me remind you, it has “sham” in its name), we never managed to invent a wall calendar that self-reproduced.

So why would the Mayans have been any different? I want you to find the nearest wall calendar and look really hard at the end date on it. It probably says Dec. 31st 2012. If it doesn’t, just find the end date. Now, what’s going to happen when that date runs out?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

So when December 22nd, 2012 rolls around, the only thing we should have on our agenda is getting a new calendar. I happen to like lolcats on mine (though this year, I used a cool one from Planet Earth). Imagine—with computer technology, the end of the world could have looked like this:


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