February 14, 2013

A Yogi’s Sonnet to Love. ~ Lisa Quish

Last night we rolled ourselves out and as we lay supine we lovingly rocked around the edges of our heart shape bone from North to South and East to West.

We drew the sweetness of the inhale from crown to tail and the lightness of the exhale from muladhara to sahasrara.

We flowed like light and gave love, gave our hearts away, to the sounds of MC Yogi.

We placed our hands under our hearts, yielded to the softness of the floor, reaching our feet to the the heavens and turning our gaze to the earth.

We sat in the warm heat of Agni stambasana and curled our hearts inwards to the stillness of our souls.

Then, we lay down in the shape of stars and listened to the music of the rain as it invited our awareness back to the room in the house at the bottom of the lane.



Lisa Quish is yoga teacher at the Yoga Hub in Dublin Ireland.

Like elephant yoga on Facebook.



Ed: Bryonie Wise


(Source: dyingofcute.tumblr.com via Jenna on Pinterest)


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