February 9, 2013

We Are Utopia. ~ Sarah AbdulRazak

Utopia is inherent in all of us.

It is not a concept to be implemented, but rather something to intrinsically build upon. Utopia is not a land as many recount it to be, but rather a piece of land that we build for ourselves.

The more conscious we become in terms of our resources and lifestyle, the more spaces become built that eventually turn the world into a “utopia.”

Utopia is conscious living that occurs individually, yet results collectively. We all walk in our own spaces and the earth today is a result of that creation. If corruption exists, then there are many corrupt spaces. If our diets are filled with processed foods rather than organic ones, it is of our own doing.

We choose to have our capitals eat us alive, rather than fuel us towards utopia.

A more conscious living is utopia, which exists among a minority. The good news is that utopia exists within all of us, yet is suppressed through our inherited practices. So, how do we become utopian consumers? Three words of advice:

Tap into it.

It’s fairly easy pushing society to be responsible for generating our utopian endeavors, but what we fail to believe is that we can push ourselves. Why do theme parks like Disneyland continue to attract both children and young adults? It’s the joy of childlike wonder, creating an imagined utopia. I insist. Everything is a figment of our imagination and through giving off positive forms of imagination; we generate a thoughtful mindset and manifest that in the form of positive action.

Utopia is inherent in all of us. It is not a Thomas More or Platonic invention, but rather a gift that we need to pursue to its max.

Indeed, very few of us have used such a force to stamp an impact on our community and the world. But, it’s never too late for those who are still on their way: go for it!


Sarah AbdulRazak is an award winning writer and visionary, who eagerly crossroads between the creative and intellectual. A global citizen and steward of the Earth, her life is a fusion of the literary arts and scholarship. Combining scholarship, arts and social advocacy has translated into her work as founder of Round Y, a millennial Think Tank, advocating east-west dialogue, sustainability and social justice in a time of cultural rebirth. She holds a BA in Culture and Society as well as English and World Literature.


Assistant Editor: Sara McKeown

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