March 8, 2013

Your Tiny Box. ~ Alli Akard.

Source: oneeyeland.com via Adri on Pinterest


Straight lines and orderly fashion don’t interest me much. I prefer to dance in the street with a rainbow colored dress and unicycles racing circles around me.

Oh! You don’t like that about me?

Not my problem. In fact, I don’t care what you or you or even you think of me at all.

I’m not interested in your tiny box.

Thank you. Thank you! I am sweet and pretty and all things lovely. I know this about myself. I’m also bitchy and messy and down right lazy from time to time.

That isn’t attractive to you, is it? Tiny boxes make things more appealing, don’t they?

Catch me on a good day and I will take you by the hands and spin you around in circles over and over until you are drunk on love and dizzy with excitement.

Bad days are different; I’ll cry and scream and you’ll wonder what made you fall in love with someone so crazy.

It’s getting tight in this tiny box and there’s no room to move around.

I’m perfect and equally not so perfect and that’s the way I like it. I find comfort in being slightly broken. It makes me giggle to be uncomfortable and frankly, I don’t like chit-chat, so come solve the worlds problems with me or move out of my way.

Tiny boxes are your thing, not mine.

make you uncomfortable and although I don’t mean to,  please accept my apology—or don’t.
Perhaps instead you should move aside, be on your way, turn the corner and off you go. But, if you will, be so kind as to not worry about me.
I will be two-steppin off into the sunset.
I am wild and free and I most certainly am not made of four corners.
When you look at me and see a tiny box don’t be mad when my rainbow dress spills over and takes up your space.

See the thing about me, if you really want to know, is that I don’t need your approval to hop on that unicycle and give it whirl. Sure, I might crash and rip my dress and run away into the wide open field and you can even chase after me, if you wish- or don’t.

Either way I won’t get back in your tiny box.

That tiny square simply can’t hold my rays of sunshine. Your jagged corners aren’t big enough for my imagination. That tiny space, where you feel safe and predictable  just doesn’t do it for me.

Me, this extra large round peg, with the rainbow dress all torn to pieces prefers the wide open spaces of this field where my rays of sunshine beam out across the planes and yes, it is a little scary out here—all wild and free—but this is were I fit in.

No need not worry, I won’t disrupt your tiny box. It’s yours. Keep it.

Maybe someday, if you ever feel the urge, I’ll let you come stand next me and hold my hand and we will walk through that scary open field and you will know that time and space and me and you really never made since in that tiny box.

We will laugh at the idea of how straight and orderly it all seemed and together our rays of sunshine will spread further than  that tiny box would have ever allowed us to imagine.


Alli Akard is an ever evolving, never settling, always-questioning woman of the world, but it is the simple things that keep her attention. Not one for living on borrowed time, she strives to create a little magic in each day. She’s also known for her epic impromptu dance parties.



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Ed: Kate Bartolotta

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