September 9, 2013

Martyrs, Mystics, Monsters. ~ Issa Urra {Poem}

Long winded debates deeply wound.

Blood sweat and tears
spilled where debacles degenerate.

Debacles degenerate, spilling, spewing,
dying out or bursting in fiery phantasms
as wars are waged on worthless words.

Wars of words wreak worthwhile wages.
The idealist up on their righteous high horse
crusades as fanatic, fundamentalist or farcical.

Crusading as fanatic, fundamentalist or farcical
the believer fans flames of faith filled fantasy
unhinged from reality as advocate, disciple or devotee.

Unhinged from reality the victim wallows in wounded suffering
sacrificing all for the love of what?
A casualty of their own duplicity.

A casualty of their own duplicity,
thus can mere mortal be transformed
into maligned martyr.

The maligned martyr as hero of the masses,
assigned mysterious mystical magic
upon often too human a being.

Upon often too human a being
such leaps of faith can disappoint
or lead to massive misfortune.

Massive misfortune leads to
wrestling with our own demons within
in our eternal quest to discover who we truly are.

Are we failing to acknowledge all of who we truly are?

To move past our demons towards enlightenment
we honor our Self—discovering our true divinity.

Discovering our true divinity
mere mortal is thus transformed
into fully expressed spirit.

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Assistant Editor: Gabriela Magana / Editor: Catherine Monkman

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Issa Urra