November 26, 2013

Advice to a Homophobic Parent.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

~ Martin Luther King

In early November, three refugees from Sierre Leon, Uganda and Senegal petitioned for asylum in the European Union due to the threat of imprisonment, and further persecution, they faced in their home countries because they were gay. The European Union granted their asylum.

Seventy-six countries still criminalize adult same-sex relationships. LGBTQQ individuals are exposed to torture, arrest, imprisonment and even (in a few countries) the death penalty.

In America, although same-sex marriage has been legalized in many states (see states here), there are still many states that still deny same-sex couples their right to marry. There are still many states, and many places around the world, that deny LGBTQQ their equal rights; their human rights.

Change starts small.

It starts with us, with our community, and with the way in which we treat the people around us.

“Ask Amy” at the The Washington Post recognizes this, as did Tolstoy when he said, “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”

Small change can evoke large change, compassion begets compassion, acceptance begets acceptance. Love begins with self-love, and with the love we show our friends and family.

Posted on the The Washington Post’s “Ask Amy” advice column, Amy asks a homophobic parent to start small, to re-evaluate their frustration towards a son they believe, “…won’t listen to reason, and will not stop being gay.”

It’s a brilliant response, and here it is:




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Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo: Upworthy & Flickr

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