November 23, 2013

Bending into Pigeon Pose under Moon’s Afterglow. {Poem}

On this blue sky morning,

moon like a marble boulder

half-exposed in cool river waters,
she glides toward the horizon,
hovering in between the fullness of a redwood and
the stark branches of a zelkova.

Exquisite in morning’s afterglow
from a night spent
lighting the way for us,
pulling back the tide
our delicate underbellies,
the tide rolls in again,

on this late-autumn mid-morning,
when I am
in middle of pigeon pose,
I pause:

breathe in,
breathe out,
breathe in,

holding space for my wandering thoughts,
let them unfold,
as I sink into pigeon,

before I take flight.

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo Credit: Pixoto

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