November 7, 2013

Toys “R” Us says: “Nature?! Booooring. Plastic! Yessss!”

Toys R Us says: “Nature?! Booooring. Plastic! Yessss!”

Via my friend Christopher: “Got to love Toys “R” Us’s new advertisement. Totally portrays just the kind of values we need in the world. Capitalism: 4,339,011,4409 / Nature: 3.”

They should take the Chinese kids whose parents made the toys along, too! That would be so rad.

“Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don’t have for something they don’t need.” ~ Will Rogers

They’re using the cute children and their emotional reactions (so cute!) to make money. Key word: “using.”

Too bad we can’t make profits off of loving nature, nature would be advertised all the time, it’d be effing Huge!

We’re not going to the forest today…we’re going to Toys R Us! F**k yeah!


Busloads of kids get surprise trip to Toys”R”Us

Watch as Toys”R”Us surprises some lucky kids by letting them pick any toy in the store. Toys”R”Us is making wishes come true this holiday season. #WishinAccomplished


A comment from a friend of Christopher’s: “I just wanted to cry when they showed the boy giving the sigh of happiness at his good fortune as he gazed at his toy gun. Talk about co-opting childhood… Taking the natural exuberance and joy of children and directing it in a way that will make money for grown-ups, and doing it in a way that directly sets up happiness and nature as somehow incompatible.”

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