December 10, 2013

5 Double Standards Women Face Every Day. ~ Zenna James {Video}

Each of these double standards is real—a subversive and hurtful cultural conditioning birthed generations before our own.

So what can we do to change our ways today, change the pattern of our thoughts now?

Well, step one—admit we have a problem. And women, I’m looking at you.

It’s easy to place blame entirely on the male half of our species, but next time you have a negative thought about another woman, ask yourself where it’s coming from. Intimidation? Self-comparison? Jealousy?

We are better than that—you are better than that.

Send love to that woman, be happy for her success, be it a promotion or decision to choose a healthier lifestyle.

(And men, that goes for you too.)

Admit the problem and then wash it away. We will only defeat these double standards by identifying them in ourselves (it happens!) and then consciously deciding to think differently.

And for now, way to go Pantene!

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Editor: Bryonie Wise

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Zenna James