December 1, 2013

Peter the Elephant Plays the Blues. {Video}


The old saying goes that “music can calm a savage beast.”

Now I wouldn’t want to call an elephant a savage beast (or any other animal for that matter). But, it’s all good, as most people have the quote all wrong.

It is actually a quote about the power that music can have on the heart and soul. The original quote says,

“Music has charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.”

~ William Congreve

But how about the effect of music on animals? More specifically on elephants? Music not only soothes, but excites and makes one want to dance and join in!

Is it possible that elephants feel the same way that people do?

I have to share with you one of the most heartwarming and moving videos that I have come across in a long time. This one concerns an elephant named Peter somewhere in Thailand who loves the blues. I will say no more, as Peter will show you all how he feels about music himself:



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Assistant Editor: Cami Krueger/Editor: Bryonie Wise

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