December 29, 2013

The Meaning of Life, according to The Dalai Lama.


When we stop obsessing about our own happiness, a funny thing happens:

The Dalai Lama, perhaps because of his language and ability to communicate with peoples all around the world, knows how to strike to the heart of Dharma, and keep it pithy, and accessible.

The point of life, after all, isn’t just to eat, sleep, brush our teeth, get married, work, travel, etc. It’s to be of benefit. And when we think of others, first, we discover our own joy comes right along.
For more wisdom:

“Every morning, recite this.” ~ Dalai Lama

The True Meaning of Life, via The Dalai Lama (for those with less than 20-20 vision):

dalai lama

Photos taken at Shambhala Mountain Center: @waylonlewis on Instagram.

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