December 21, 2013

Tis the Season of Intention: Let’s Love.

Why I Love the Holiday Season

“A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.” ~ Thomas Carlyle

This year on New Year’s Eve, I will probably kiss Toby—my other cat does not like to be kissed or I would kiss her too.
Toby, on the other hand rather seems to like it.

Or, I will go to a party where I know one person and not well at that.

But still, though alone these days, I love the holidays.

I love the ideas that infuse them. Not all the commercial materialism of course but the idea of giving and sharing, loving and surrendering, thinking of those we have not seen and maybe even sending a card because the heart was touched and held.

Though I confess I gave up cards. And though I love my family we don’t exchange gifts these days with shipping costs and limited funds, a long phone call seems to be plenty.

I do share a few gifts with friends. I share meals. I share my joy in classes that I teach.

Because, ultimately. I see the holidays as a time of conscious sharing and giving, of considering the blessings we have and maybe helping those less fortunate if we have the time and resources.

I celebrate Christmas. Between my living alone and thinking my decorations are in my car somewhere, I have not done much. I seem to have snowmen but they are out year around ironically and I realized the other day I seem to have a collection but it was not intentional or conscious.

Yet the holiday season is a time where we bring intention into our daily lives. In yoga class, I almost always mention intention but most don’t often think about setting an intention for the day or moment much less their life or Dharma.

During the holidays, we intend to celebrate those we love and those we lost. During the holidays, we intend to give. During the holidays, we intend to share. During the holidays, we intend to be thoughtful.

In reality, as a barista said the other day, many are frazzled and more stressed out than usual.

But really that’s okay. We are doing our best, most are anyway. And that is a lot of intention to carry into our actions when normally most live life without the ideas of conscious joy or bliss. Most of us are just trying to pay our bills, find a little love and get by in the day to day.

Life is fun but it’s not always easy. And the season for some is such a challenge with so much expectation.

To me, I am happy to kiss my kitties, share with friends, talk to family and if blessed, make a new friend.

Tis the season to love. And isn’t that always the highest intention?

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Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo: Flicker Creative Commons

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