January 8, 2014

The Busybody’s Guide to Hibernation.

If you’re anything like me, the idea of having to slow down and stop moving is often anything but a welcome break.

By the end of a 24 hour period in hibernation, through the help of Web MD and my fleeting imagination, I’ve created several dooming medical scenarios, bothered my husband, friends and family, took pictures of the animals sleeping conditions, cooked and cleaned as much as I can stand, and drove myself (and/or everyone else) insane.

So what’s an overachiever to do at home in the winter months with feet of snow on the ground and frigid temperatures outside?

Careful, it’s easy to sink in to some not-so-efficient habits.

I’ll share what works to avoid cabin fever.

1. Unplug (as long as you can) from social media.

Connecting and reaching out to others seems to be the exact thing you want to do but via social media, it can leave you feeling lonely or empty afterwords if you don’t get the reactions or attention you are seeking.

2. Make a list.

Come up with some ideas of places to go, things to do, hobbies you’d like to try. This will help you to feel more inspired and allows you to have something new to look forward to. If possible, take a step toward making the items on the list happen. For example, if you’ve been waiting to try that sewing class, go to the website and sign up, or do some research on that trip to Belize you are contemplating.

3. Move.

Even just a little or if your living quarters consists of two by four walls. It can be downright impossible when it’s cold and you are lacking in motivation but once you get going, you’ll feel much better. Try a video or something that will help get you energized. Roll out the yoga mat with cobwebs on it, see what happens.

4. Recharge and Unwind.

Take a bath or listen to your favorite music. Pick a few recipes that are simple but nutritious for the week ahead. Put on a clay face mask and pluck your chin hairs. Read the book that’s been sitting on your nightstand with the bookmark on Chapter 1. Soak your feet in Epsom Salts. You get the idea.

5. Cultivate gratitude.

Try and appreciate this time to reflect and slow down. I know, it can be a challenge but just remember that being present in this moment will allow the anxiety about what you should be doing, what may be going on in the future, or what others are doing will melt away. You are where you’re supposed to be. If that is cuddled between your smelly dog and an electric blanket, so be it. There will be a busy time in the future where you’d give anything to be under that damn blanket.

Now go ahead, nobody said you had to be a couch potato to be home.

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Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo: elephant archives


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