Science ftw!
Watch this and join in the joy and tears: this is how we know we’re fundamentally good as human beings. When we see joy and catharsis, our hearts spontaneously, without thought or hesitation, wake up and respond.
“Joanne’s Milne’s Implants are turned on and she hears for the first time.”
A 40 year old woman, born deaf, hears for the first time. (
Two of countless sweet comments via Reddit:
I literally cried during that video. Think of how truly beautiful it is. A person without an entire sense has been through life without it and we are at a place so advanced that we can give her back what she deserves to have had all along. Truly amazing.
My son just got approved for cochlear implants yesterday. He’s 1 today and I can’t wait until he can hear as he’s never heard my voice or his mothers voice. It will be beautiful just like that video was. Thanks for the tears OP
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