March 31, 2014

Get Tossing to Get Clear. ~ Marylee Fairbanks

Photo: kr428

I am ready for Spring.

It has been a particularly long winter here in the Northeast.

I was designed to be in the Mediterranean, on a sandy shore, eating fresh fruit (See Princess of Garbage Day).

Instead, I am in Boston, and the only green I’ve seen for six months is some pine trees—and they were coated in ice. I was not cut out for this.

All of this to say that the 24 Things Spring Fling is my favorite toss. It’s so wonderful to open the windows, lose the layers and get some sunshine on my sallow arms!

One spring day, three years ago, I headed into my basement to clear out the piles and boxes of old stuff. It turned into an exercise in introspection. I wrote Princess of Garbage Day about the things I discovered about myself as I let go of the past. I was surprised at the reaction. People wrote and shared intimate stories of letting go and the fears attached.

So, I thought it would be an interesting exercise to let go of one item each day from April first until Easter, which fell on the 24th. The first round of 24 Things. Some items were quite difficult for me to let go of, but in the end, I felt free.

Free from my identification with the object and memory.

Free to create something new to fill the space.

Letting go can be a challenge. We hold onto what we know, because change is frightening, and staying with the familiar, even if it makes us ill and unhappy, feels better than venturing into the unknown. We sometimes feel that we are defined by our possessions or our experiences.

Learning to let go opens us up to life’s bountiful possibilities.

Tossing the clutter in our home can change our life. Our spirits and desires become weighed down underneath our “stuff” and we lose sight of our highest self.

When we let go, we create freedom, in the home, mind and body. We create sacred space.

Inside this space we can develop the faith that you will be cherished without the aid of material things.

It is more that just cleaning house. It urges introspection, gratitude, and consciousness, and like any good yoga practice, it is done slowly and with Ahimsa (kindness).

Let go or tend to one item each day from April 1 to April 24th.

Removing one thing each day creates a ritual effect. Repeating the behavior, taking a moment each day to infuse your action with intention changes the energy in your life.

Consciously letting go and making room for the new creates a sacred space. In that space you can create anything you want for your future.

One rule…

There is no purchasing during this 24 day cycle. Necessities like food, medical care, pet or child needs, are fine but if there is something that catches your eye or that you think you want, start a list. If you still want or need that item at the end of 24 days then its up to you.

Conscious consumerism is the goal.

Who is up for the challenge? Join me back here at elephant journal for the next 24 days and add your thoughts and share your experience.

Get tossing, get clear, and create your inspired future.


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: kr428 at Flickr

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