Zoom! Pow! Batkid returns to save San Francisco!
The original: Holy Batkid: Superhero Saves San Francisco. {Video}
“As someone who works in San Francisco, the level of pride that this event/stunt brought to the people who live and work here is still very fresh. On Batkid Day, tons of people poured into the city wearing t-shirts and holding posters simply to show their support and workers ducked out for a few minutes to catch glimpses of Batkid as he moved through the city. Batkid, for one reason or another, touched the heart of San Francisco and made us feel better about our beautiful, dirty, rich, bum-infested, liberal, unequal city. He has become an unofficial representative of the good in this city. THAT is why he was specifically the one to throw the first pitch. Miles may not be the kid Reddit wants, but he’s the kid that San Francisco needs.
Oh, and we didn’t shut down the “entire city,” just small portions around where each stunt took place. It was no worse than a dignitary coming through town.”
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