April 12, 2014

F*ck The Poor? {Video}


The Pilion Trust, a London-based charity that helps some of “the poorest and most vulnerable,” has conducted a social experiment on the people of London to see just how much we really care about those who are less fortunate.

Truthfully, this amazing viral campaign speaks a novel’s worth of words in about 60 seconds.

The film features a man walking the streets, wearing a sign that says “Fuck the poor,” while Londoners are secretly filmed verbally attacking him for such a blatantly offensive statement.

Afterward, however, the man flips his sign over to read “Help the poor” and then asks for donations—and this time he’s completely ignored.

The video ends with the campaign message of:

“We know you care. Please care enough to give.”

Yet isn’t this really our sad truth?

Many of us “care enough” to get angry over that which disturbs our social senses of what should be wrong and intolerable, but then how many of us actually go around helping to better the world and its injustices?

This clever viral sensation points a harsh finger at us all.

Watch here and visit Pilion Trust’s website for more information.



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Editor: Travis May

Photo: Via Author

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