April 27, 2014

Here’s Why Organizations Should Invest in Office Yoga. ~ Mansi Goel {Infographic}

Photo: URBAN ARTefakte

Almost 51 percent of Americans believe that job stress is the biggest contributor of loss of productivity.

Would you believe that, companies lose more money due to lack of employee productivity than due to any other factors?

Do you know that 71 percent of US workers consider their workplace a significant source of stress? 

A recent survey conducted by Academic and Business Research Institute revealed that people in US are so stressed that almost 79 percent have accepted stress as a part and fact of their work lives.

Doesn’t sound too fair, right?

The stats clearly indicate that stress might be the next epidemic. Giving out so much control to stress is wrong, but, this is what is happening, people!

Companies, even after compensating for all kinds of medical issues and vacations, are still bleeding lots of money just because their employees are stressed on a regular basis.

It’s a chain reaction, you see.

Reminding us once again, health-related work losses cost US employers more than $260 billion each year.

So, we can see how much employers will save with little investment in a yoga session at the office.

Click the below image to view the whole inforgraphic.

yoga in the workplace infographic


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Apprentice Editor: Alicia Wozniak/Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: URBAN ARTefakte

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