April 12, 2014

My Little Voice. ~ Anshita Sharma {Poem}


There is this little voice inside each of us.

My little voice becomes loud, then silently whispers to me.

Sometimes it gets confused and sometimes it would just rather be.

It wanders inside me all the time,

it murmur once upon a while,

it tells me to hold on,

be strong.

It looks at me with hopeful eyes.

It goes deep inside myself.

It gathers all the wounds and glitters there,

it plays with all of the memories and come back with unbiased glare.

It comes at the surface when I need it the most,

it tries to talk.

it tries to voice out itself.

It wants to hand me the little potion of courage.

This little voice gets in trouble with the mind.

It also fights with innumerable thoughts who hold swords .

it tries to battle them all,

sometimes with hysteria ,

sometimes with logical words.

I am not able to listen to it always.

It has been unheard so many times,

when I know it’s there it’s soon forgotten.

Mostly, I try to suppress it with music, movies,coffee, books all right

because the ghost of fear has hug me tight.

Today is no miracle or a milestone kind of day.

One of those (regular) days where my thoughts become dead after much atomic bombarding .

after a tear or two and lots of non sense rambling.

Right a moment after a deep breath

It comes to me clearly.

Right here in me.

Tells me – it’s unhealthy.

Love never hurts,

love never controls,

love is not demanding

love never give you dead rotten butterflies in your stomach.

That’s all!

Miles to go before you sleep, miles to go before you sleep but you know one thing in deep –

Every now and then,

this little voice nudges inside to ensure

you live your life free.


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Editorial Assistant: Amani Omejer / Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Anek Suwannaphoom/Pixoto

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