April 21, 2014

Why Do We Make Everything So Difficult?

Difficult choices

How much difficulty and complexity we create is to the degree that we want to stand in our own way of what we really want.

I have spent countless hours thinking of everything I need to do and focusing on it, as though if I don’t get it done…catastrophe will happen.

Moving away from this cycle can be, well, difficult!

We blame others, we look at impossible situations and most of the time we just want to complain or feel overwhelmed, instead of being in the present moment. We prefer to distract ourselves and use the excuse about whatever drama is going on outside of us as being super-duper important.

Nothing is as important as being in the present moment, because when we look back and we’ve been tied up in difficulty, all we will see is a blur. A blur of emotion, activity…but no real connection to what we were experiencing, because we weren’t really there.

And this can go on for years…and what do we have at the end of the day or our lives? Regret. Disconnection from ourselves and a continued inability to extricate from the difficulties.

When we realize that whatever is going on outside of us doesn’t need us to engage and just keeps the difficulty alive, we can free ourselves from the burden of feeling like we have to be in the middle of these distractions.

Going within ourselves changes our relationship to the moment and to life. We discover what is actually necessary for us to do, if anything. Most situations that entail drama or crazy expectations, are opportunities to step away from and move within for the answers.

When we move into the quieter place within us, we see the truth and we can stop using difficult, impossible or overwhelming to distract us from living from our inner world to the outside.


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Joel Bombardier at Flickr 

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