A friend posted this on her Facebook Page today:
“A goddess is a woman who emerges from deep within herself. She is a woman who has honestly explored her darkness and learned to celebrate her light. She is a woman who is able to fall in love with the magnificent possibilities within her. She is a woman who knows of the magic and mysterious places inside her, the sacred places that can nurture her soul and make her whole. She is a woman who radiates light. She is magnetic. “ ~ Author Unknown
A slew of people “liked” and shared the meme. Clearly, characterizing women as “goddesses” really goes over well.
I posted it on my page and am racking up the “likes” as I write this.
I like calling women “goddess.”
It doesn’t hurt that they like it back.
But it’s got me thinking about language, gender and notions of divinity. We don’t see many meme’s about men referring to themselves as “gods.”
I don’t recall ever hearing a woman refer to a man as “a god,” unless she’s swooning over George Clooney. But we all know what that means, and it’s usually got nothing to do with how much he’s “exploring his darkness and celebrating his light.”
I’ve participated in dozens of men’s retreats and met hundreds of powerful, beautiful, courageous men. I’ve bumped chests with some of the most emotionally literate, spiritually vibrant men in the world. While many of them embrace their identification as a “king”, it’s not really en vogue for a man to say, “I am a god.”
To look a man in the eyes and affirm, “I see before me a king,” is a profound blessing.
To say, “You are a god,” well, that kind of language is sort of frowned on around here.
It’s just, you know, not cool.
What would happen if I said, “I am a god?”
I mean—how would that affect my career?
People might start saying things like, “They tell me you’re walking around saying you’re God.”
I’ve heard that story doesn’t usually end well.
It’s got me wondering.
What if you came across a meme that said:
“A god is a man who emerges from deep within himself. He is a man who has honestly explored his darkness and learned to celebrate his light. He is a man who is able to fall in love with the magnificent possibilities within himself. He is a man who knows of the magic and mysterious places inside himself, the sacred places that can nurture his soul and make himself whole. He is a man who radiates light. He is magnetic. “
How does it feel inside your body to read these words?
How many men do you think would put that up on their wall?
Here’s another example of the collective advantage women have over men on our planet. Their willingness to embrace their divinity far out-paces that of men, in general. It is culturally acceptable for women to acknowledge their goddess-hood, as evident by the ease in which this idea has sunken into our language.
Maybe this also has something to do with why men have, since the beginning of time, tried so hard to prove their power and worth. There is a steep price for denying one’s divinity, and we all pay the price for it. Compensating for feeling disconnected from divinity has some real consequences.
In the Torah it is said, Psalm 82:6: “You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.”
The perfect sound bite. You’d think it would have taken off.
A few years later, a famous rabbi reminded folks about this. He pissed some people off with this sort of talk, so they got rid of him. But like most rock stars that die before their time, this only increased his popularity. Now he’s worshiped by millions, but somehow this little sound-bite slipped into obscurity.
Ye are gods, indeed.
God and Goddess, all in one.
That’s really the thing, isn’t it?
How about this:
“Goddess” is the creative aspect of “God.”
God = Love.
Goddess = Love expressing itself as creation.
Truth is, I once struggled to give myself permission to acknowledge the “god” that I am.
Now I’m thinking the real game is to go beyond “god,” and affirm the “goddess” that I am.
Maybe it’s not just for women.
Maybe it’s not even what I am, but rather what is expressing itself through me.
I’m just the lucky little vessel.
So it kind of goes above and beyond whether or not one explores their darkness, celebrates their light or (what is not said in the meme, but ought to be) celebrates their darkness.
The fact is, being an expression and manifestation of God/Goddess is independent of performance, awareness or realization. The realization of this fact is in itself its own blessing.
I’ve come to realize that I am God and Goddess in one being, and the point for this breath is to give a sound to that in the universe.
So, here’s my meme:
“God becomes Goddess
When love expands into form.
When that happens,
Goddess becomes man
Whether man realizes it
or not.
Exploring the inner life
Of shadow and light,
Allowing for infinite possibilities
Nurturing one’s soul
And opening the heart
Helps man to realize that.”
Om to the Great Mother that sings through me.
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Apprentice Editor: Amanda Fleming Taylor/Editor: Rachel Nussbaum
Photo: Flickr Creative Commons
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