May 13, 2014

The Battle Against Busy. ~ Jeremy Goldberg


Stop the glorification of busy.

Seriously, stop it.

Stop admiring people who find time to work 60 hours a week but have no time to lose a staring contest with the moon. Stop looking up to people who are always stuck in traffic but never stuck in the moment.

Stop glamorizing overtime, stop sensationalizing stress and stop praising paychecks over playfulness. Stop trying to make a living at the expense of making a life and stop building a resume instead of a legacy.

Stop ignoring your own mortality. Stop forgetting about joy. Stop moving all the time. Just stop.

Seriously, stop—just for a second.

Do it now.

Stop for a moment, and breathe.

Stop for a minute, and think.

Now, start again.

Start prioritizing fun. Start glamorizing freedom. Start searching for adventure, wonder and awe, and start dreaming while you’re still awake.

Start making memories in addition to making money and start making progress, not excuses. Start fulfilling potential. Start praising the present, start thinking about the now, and start wondering about the possibilities ahead.

Start to relax. Start to unwind. Start attending moments, not meetings. Start elevating your spirit, not your pay grade. Start defining earnings in terms of time well spent, not dollars and cents.

Start feeling free. Start living boldly. Start to breathe again and then start taking your own breath away. Start sharing your heart and soul and passion with others, and start now, today, before it’s too late.

The world needs you.


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Apprentice Editor: Paige Vignola/Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo:Nuzree on Pixabay

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Jeremy Goldberg