August 18, 2014

The Mindful Mother. ~ Monique Minahan {Poem}


You chose me because you knew.

You knew I would show up for you today
And every day forward
Starting with your first breath
Ending with my last.

No lousy excuses about what I need to do
Or what’s more important
Or not now little one

It is always now for us
This is always the most important moment
This is always where I’m supposed to be
Here, with you, right now

When you look at me with those clear eyes that haven’t yet seen disappointment
Or joy
Or loss
Or your own reflection in a mirror

I know you are saying:
Return to me.
Come back from wherever you are

This is why I chose you to be my mother.
Because I knew you could show up for me
I knew you would show up for me
I knew you would choose here over there
Every time

I chose you.
And you choose me.

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Author’s Own

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