September 26, 2014

New Moon Wisdom for the Waxing Moon Cycle & Creative Ritual.

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New Moon Wisdom for the Waxing Moon Cycle

Moon nears conjunction of the Sun as it becomes completely new in the wee hours of the morning on September 24th. New Moon is at 01:14 am CDT in Uttaraphalguni nakshatra while in Virgo.

The coming weeks are potent—and a poignant time for working with our long term sustainability. Themes for this waxing cycle include caring for and nourishing the physical body as well as those essential ingredients for our long term sustainability. What steps do we need to take in order to insure sustainability and more lasting support and nourishment within our lives?

What fruits are we hoping to harvest in the coming weeks and months? Our intentional action steps right now make or break the richness of our harvest.

Aryaman, the deity who rules over Uttaraphalguni, is alive and well within us and around us- encouraging health, well being, as well as inner and outer sustenance- if we align with his offerings. Connect, co-create and use relationships intentionally in the coming weeks.

Do your relationships nourish and inspire you? Or do they zap your energy and harm you? Do your actions and environments support you and offer harmony? Or do they feel harsh and abrasive? Where in your life and in your relationships are you not being authentic to your needs?

If you want potency and power, it will take potent and powerful actions to get different results. Sow the seeds you want right now and ask the ancestors for help with the process. Aryaman is aligned with the ancestors to insure that your lineage is well nourished and protected, so make sure you ask for dharmic wisdom to help you on your journey. We can do so with our choices and our action steps. Think in terms of aligning with long-term sustainability, not short term gratification. Aryaman will provide for you.

Trust the process and ask for support.

In addition to the New Moon, September 24th marks the beginning of the Navaratri celebrations and the first day of three that honors Ma Durga. Read my past Elephant article regarding the poignancy of Navaratri.

This is an especially potent and powerful time period, where we celebrate in the Vedic calendar, the holy trinity of goddesses: Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. The veil is thin right now between realms, and it is an especially powerful time for being inward, cleansing, nourishing and meditating. If you haven’t joined my 10 day Self Care Challenge, you can do so here. I’ll be sharing resources, tips, and tools during this special 10 day period.

Creative Ritual for the Waxing Moon Cycle

Whether or not you are joining me for my 10 Day {Navaratri} Self Care Challenge, I encourage you to keep a “self care journal” during this waxing Moon cycle. Use this journal to record the steps you are taking each day to care for yourself. Record your 3 level check-ins in your journal and any steps you’ve taken on each day to care for yourself. This can include movement, creativity, food choices, rest and meditation, using healthy boundaries, breath awareness and your 3 level check ins—and anything else that you are using to intentionally and radically care for yourself.

These journals will be an important part of the harvesting we do over the next 10 days and I will be sharing more about this as we progress through the waxing Moon cycle. I’ll also be sharing more about self care in an upcoming article so look for that soon!

I’m looking forward to hearing about your process and your self care steps! If you haven’t joined my 10 day Self Care Challenge, you can do so here.

My 3 Levels of Awareness Immersion is Sunday, September 28th! Use this workshop for navigating boundaries, inner and outer dynamics as well as increasing embodiment. Sign up here.

Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.

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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Sámuel Zalányi at Pixoto


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