October 1, 2014

Simple Detox Kitchari {Recipe}.


Simple, easily digestible foods allow the stomach to work more efficiently and helps the body eliminate ama (undigested toxins) more effectively.

Kitchari is the ideal recipe for letting your stomach hit the re-set button, while still getting a complex protein (legume + grain). Adding some hardy vegetables gives extra nourishment—and voila! The perfect meal for restoring balance.

Here’s my simple kitchari recipe using principles of SVA Ayurveda (Shaka Vansya Ayurveda).

For eliminating inflammation in the body, I suggest removing all night shades, onions and garlic from your diet (or at the least while you are cleansing), using Vaidya Mishra’s special Masala, and following standard Ayurvedic protocol regarding no leftovers, etc. (Vaidya Mishra’s website is wealth of knowledge for this! I especially love that SVA caters to the extra sensitive mind/body types like myself.)


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Simple {Detox} Kitchari Recipe:

Makes two servings (or one big serving for a human and one small portion for a canine companion).

1/3 Cup OG basmati rice.

1/3 Cup OG masoor daal or mung daal. (Masoor is split red lentils and mung is split small yellow lentils).

1 Tablespoon OG ghee

1 Tablespoon Mum’s Masala (plus a dash or two of high grade turmeric powder if you want a more yellow looking kithchari). Mum’s Masala is tridoshic and good for almost everyone which is why it’s ideal.

1 teaspoon Soma Salt

1 Moringa drumstick (frozen) for extra detoxification. Available at most Indian grocers.

2 Cups spring water with a PH of 7.5 or higher.

Bring all ingredients to a boil in a medium/large saucepan and then reduce to low. Cover the pan and let simmer for 30 to 40 minutes or until daal and rice have broken down and cooked. If you need to add a bit of water, this is the time to do it.

Just before daal is ready, chop some cauliflower and stir it into your pot. (Cauliflower is good for balancing during seasonal shifts). I like the combination of cauliflower, spinach and peas and a bit of carrot for color. Let the veggies cook for 10 minutes and once tender, serve! Add some chopped cilantro and a squirt of lime for extra flavor and gentle detox.


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Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Author’s Own

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