October 9, 2014

30 Photos: 15 Famous Landmarks Zoomed Out to Show their Surroundings.

Those pictures are nuts/awesome.


“Kind of devastated about Stonehenge, I had this vision of total isolation and spookiness.”

“It’s actually better now, they moved the parking lot away.”

Relephant Bonus:

Famous landscapes and the zoomed out picture.

Context is everything. Unless, in popular view, it’s utterly ignored.

Landscapes zoomed out

“Finding out the Great Pyramids weren’t in the middle of the desert and that there is a KFC across the street was a huge disappointment.”

    • Pyramids, Cairo
    • Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England
    • Taj Mahal, Agra, India
    • Brandenburg Gate, Berlin
    • Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
    • Niagara Falls
    • Acropolis, Athens
    • Mount Rushmore
    • Forbidden City, Beijing
    • Hollywood sign, duh
    • Santorini, Greece
    • Mona Lisa, Louvre Museum, Paris
    • Central Park, New York
    • Arc de Triomphe, Paris
    • Little Mermaid Statue, Copenhagen, Denmark

Famous landscapes and the zoomed out picture.


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