October 28, 2014

A Bit of Good Sunny News: Green Cars Abound!

Tesla Roadster electric car

As of September 2014 there are more than 100,000 electric cars registered in California!

And this milestone was reached only a few years since the first electric car was sold there in 2010!

This means Governor Jerry Brown’s target of 1.5 million electric cars replacing gasoline run cars on the road by 2015 is possible.

Furthermore, a solar-powered family car, Stella, drove from Los Angeles to San Francisco on the scenic Pacific Coast Highway fuelled only by sunshine.

This lightweight, wedged-shape car can travel 800 km on a single charge—further if the sun is shining—while clocking 130 km/hour.


Stella actually produces energy while driving, and while not driving you can use the solar panels to power your house!



Necessity is indeed the mother of invention!


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Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Imgur 




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