October 21, 2014

These Illustrations will Change the way we View our World.

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“Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth.” ~ Pablo Picasso

A few weeks back I stumbled upon these amazing satyrical illustrations of the world’s problems—politics, ecology, poverty, war, addictions, just about everything.

We might see some of these problems on the news, but in art—and especially in these illustrations—they are portrayed in such a way they immediately catch our attention and we can’t help but stop and think about the issues.

We have to open our eyes and be aware of these problems, we have to realise that this is actually happening all around us, to people like you and me, so we can take action and start changing them one little act at a time.

Pawel Kuczynski is a Polish artist born in Szczecin in 1976. He graduated from Fine Arts Academy in Poznan where he specialised in graphics and started with satyrical illustration about life, politics and other topics. Since then, he has been rewarded with numerous prizes including an “Eryk,” a prize from Association of Polish Cartoonists for a newly discovered cartoonist.

See more of Kuczynski’s work on his website or check out his Facebook page for his latest work.


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Editor: Emily Bartran

Photos: Imgur

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