October 12, 2014

This is who the Taliban fears.

Statsministerens kontor/Flickr

“My father told me many times he didn’t give me anything extra, he just didn’t clip my wings.” ~ Malala Yousafzai, after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.

Leading Humanity in the Universe of Peace.

In her determination to attend school and be educated, she became the educator, and a voice to the voiceless.

She carried all the voiceless children with her and gave the world a paradigm shift.

She shifted the consciousness of all people back to a truth that we, as human beings, don’t have to grow up to become somebody—we are already more than some body.

We are spirit.

Following spirit, Malala has helped to awaken our suffering world to this truth. She demonstrated, not by demonstrating, but by following the always accurate and courageous spirit we’ve all been given, that we don’t have to become someone because we are more than that, we are one another.

She teaches through her actions that a young person does not have to wait until they grow up to become something, she awakened us to the animate spirit of courage within all of us. She awakened us to the truth that we are not things, we are sacred. She reminded us that if we allow the children to simply be who and what they are, the children are not our future leaders, they are our present leaders.

Where did her awakening come from?

She was born awake as a fully realized human being; a miracle, blessing and gift. However, as she stated in her speech after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, she has a father who didn’t put her in a state of unconsciousness. Malala stated that her father acknowledged that he didn’t give her anything extra, but simply didn’t clip her wings.

Her father saw her as what she is and didn’t dare interrupt, but simply allowed his daughter to be with no pressure to become.


So, how did this type of parenting work? The results speak for themselves. A young lady with the courage that only love brings is now a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, yet the Nobel Peace Prize is a small matter compared to what Malala and her family have reminded us about.

They remind us that the process of development has nothing to do with becoming, but everything to do with being.

The Nobel Peace prize is a well-deserved honor bestowed upon Malala. However, the greatest honor in honoring her is that she reminds us of what everyone is when we free ourselves from the lies of becoming and see one another as the miracles, blessings and gifts we are.

With no political office, military, guns or economic leverage, Malala Yousafzai awakened the world within us and outside of us. She didn’t rise to power, she was born with the power of love and life, which was not interrupted but cared for in a sacred manner, and left unrestrained to flow as naturally as the breath her words of truth travel upon.

We’re all born with the power of love and life within us.

Let us allow the leadership of Malala and her family to lead us in unfastening the restraints of fear and lies.

Unrestrained by becoming, we can simply be back with our hearts, and remember the sacred message we’ve been given to share with the world.

If we follow the example of the youngest Nobel Peace Prize recipient in history, one day soon, all of our true voices will once again sing the Uni-Verse of peace.





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Editor: Emily Bartran
Photo: Statsministerens kontor/Flickr

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