October 6, 2014

Miracle Baby Saved After Bombing. {Dramatic Video}

men digging for baby screenshot

As a firefighter and rescue tech, I know how extremely rare the event in this video is.

I know the dynamics at work, and how utterly amazing it is that this baby boy was not only found alive, but relatively uninjured.

He has since fully recovered. 

It warms my heart, and in the what is considered “newsworthy” events of our day, the struggle to save this baby is indicative of the love we all share at our fundamental levels, even in the face of great fear and hatred.

This baby was buried as a result of an attack by Assad forces on a rebel position. What happened next, well, is nothing less than a miracle.


“What if our religion was each other

If our practice was our life

If prayer, our words

What if the temple was the Earth

If forests were our church

If holy water—the rivers, lakes, and ocean

What if meditation was our relationships

If the teacher was life

If wisdom was self-knowledge

If love was the center of our being.” ~ Ganga White.

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Editor: Renée Picard

Photos: screenshots from Youtube videos


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