October 30, 2014

My House May be a Mess, But My Heart is Beaming. {Poem}

Mike Kniec/Flickr

I’m not going to clean before you come over

Nope, not even on a holiday.

I’m not going to mop.

Or wax the floors
Or run the vacuum across my dingy carpets
Or dust
Or wash the dirty dishes teetering in the sink.

I’m not going to do any of it.

Because I’d rather spend my time and energy
Being fully present with you
When you’re here.

I want to give you my minutes, my ears, my soul.

Because I’d hope that my presence
Means more to you than perfect cheese plates
And fluffy white towels
And a clean sink.
And all those other things that seem to matter
But really don’t.

Because if you’re my guest
I wouldn’t want you here
If I thought you’d judge me by the state of my house.

Have we forgotten something?

People come to see us,
Not our houses.

Drop your broom
Or you mop
Or your feather duster.
And make a cup of tea.

Ride that broom to fantastical places.

Let that tea teleport you deep inside your imagination.

Dust off your soul instead of your wooden shelves.

And play.
And sing.
And dance.
And do whatever the f*ck else
You want.

Because nobody gives a sh*t about how clean your house is.

But, they do care how happy your heart is.

And if they don’t, then ditch ‘em quick.

Spend more moments cleaning your heart
With laughter, love, passion and creativity.

And less time cleaning your house.

Because our hours are precious.
Yours and mine,
So precious.

My house may be a mess
But my heart is beaming from ear to ear.

Because I’m not worried about spotless floors
Or dust-less countertops
Or windows so clean that they look invisible.

I’m pouring myself into what matters to me.
I’m writing and dancing and painting
And loving every single second of it.

I’m listening to my kitten purr loudly
And kissing my sweet lover’s flushed cheek
And lingering for hours over a cup of coffee.

My soul is feasting wildly on the succulent nectar of creativity.

My house may be a mess,
But my heart is beaming from ear to ear.

That’s the way I intend to keep it.



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Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Mike Kniec/Flickr

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