April 8, 2015

5 Ways to Vibrate the High Life.

Franciso Osorio/Flickr

I used to be one of those people who would curmudgeonly side eye the happy folks around me.

I couldn’t understand why their lives were that much more amazing than mine.

I mean, we all had to deal with the same daily grind as one another, so what made them more special than me or others who seemed to be painfully going through our days, trudging along?

I started to ask questions of those seemingly happier folks, and then picked up some literature to get more answers.

Both the folks and literature said pretty much the same thing, and it was super simple.

Scratching my head and dumbfounded at the simplicity, I took stock of my life at that time, and then made an in-the-moment executive decision to be the arbiter of the change I wanted to see.

I wanted to vibrate in the higher frequency I was reading about. You know, the one they talk about in the book and movie, The Secret. There is a lot of truth about just making things work through tough times and smiling through pain until you reach a state of comfort or even, perhaps, authentic joy.

But I saw it was much more than faking it until you made it—it was about re-wiring your ability to make a conscious effort to create a meaningful life.

Once I made this connection, I decided to see life from this new perspective. I knew what I needed to implement and I also knew it would be a long haul process, but I was ready.

Here are my five secrets to vibrating the high life. Add just one in right now and you will see a shift in your life in a short time. There are plenty more that might work for you beyond this list, but these will get you in the right direction.

1. Stay Positive. There is nothing worse than being the Negative Nellie of your own life. The worst! Yes, I will tell you that there is always a sunny-side to the dog poop sticking to your shoes. Tell yourself that “they needed a cleaning anyway and now is their chance to be cleaned real well!” But seriously, be grounded when things get whack and stay positive.

2. Work Your Body. Raising your vibration means creating it with movement. You will feel happier dancing, running, and just moving in any way that will get your blood pumping. It improves energy and mood and staves off the pounds. It has so many other benefits, like the good feeling you get when you’re taking care of you!

3. One at a time. I am that kind of person. I turn everything off when I need to focus, which is necessary for most things I do. When in conversation with someone at a meeting or at dinner (I can’t believe I am saying this about sitting across someone, but these days, most people still have their devices on the table when eating!) put the phone away and be fully present with the human sitting across the table. Personally, when I am writing, setting up my newsletters or reading, I turn my music and social media off. Present moments create shifts in life and good vibrations.

4. Be good to yourself and others. Make a serious effort to be good to your fellow humans. You have no idea what they might be going through. Their behavior might reflect something more than what you can see, so make no judgments and just be good. Also, being good means to donate time, money or blood; saying hello when looking someone in the eyes, and letting someone pass while driving no matter who was first…

5. Create a daily ritual. I don’t know what I would do without the things that help me stay real and grounded each and every day. Create the space for yourself to meditate, read, write, practice yoga and take care of numero uno. The world needs high-vibrating folks like you!

These are just a handful of ways to create your high vibrating life, but it will get you on the path in no time.



Author: Jessica Sandhu

Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Francisco Osorio/Flickr


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