July 7, 2015

New Moon in Cancer: Checkmate in the Game of Love!

New moons are incredibly powerful as a time of new beginnings, but because this moon is in the middle of two full moons within the same month the energies are magnified!

On July 15th/16th (depending on where you are on Earth) the moon will be new in Cancer—this is also called the dark moon, as it cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Cancer is a water sign and therefore everything is felt more deeply when the moon is in this sign, most especially though when Luna is full or new—adding to the feeling of emotional depth, the sun is also in Cancer along with Mercury and Mars.

It’s time to take a deep breath now—because soon our emotions will be set on high and will be boiling over.

This has been a big year for all of us—it’s been about sudden change and the discovery of our authentic selves. It’s been a time of getting to the root of whom we are and what we want our lives to look like without the outside influence of others—it’s been about feeling and living our individual truth.

We’ve been deciding what we want to do—rather than what we should be doing.

In the past few months, we’ve been through urgent changes and also sometimes slow—if any—progression. We’ve had surprises, heat, passion and the chance to revisit the past during the recent Mercury Retrograde—if we’ve accepted the challenges, our lives probably feel very different than they did when we rang in January 1st. Thank goodness.

This time, this new moon is about something different—timing.

“If you have chemistry, you need one other thing—Timing. But timing is a bitch.” ~Unknown

The stars are literally aligning to help force our hand.

Some of us may have had career opportunities, especially of an entrepreneurial nature, there may also be changes in living and family arrangements—but this is truly the summer of love, so for most of us we are going to feel this moon phase deep within our hearts.

How many times have we said that we met the right person at the wrong time?

That is all about to change this month—not only will we be aware of who the right person is, it will also be happening at exactly the right time.

While some may argue that there is no “right” person, in this context “right” means the relationship that all others are incomparable against—and if some of us still scoff at this ideal then it is only because we haven’t yet experienced it.

Because Mercury and Mars will both be in Cancer, not only will be we feeling our emotions from a very deep heart centered place—we will also be feeling urgency at which to express them.

During the build-up phase of this moon which will begin around July 7th, we will feel as if the words from our hearts almost want to speak for themselves. It’s not as if we’ve lost our minds—or our cool—but suddenly nothing else is going to matter except for the truth which lies deep within our soul.

Around the time of the new moon, and a week later to around July 28th, we will feel the pressure building until we simply can’t take it anymore—and we finally show our hand.

Because of the square to Uranus our romantic lives will almost feel as if we have suddenly experienced a wake-up call. Sometimes the most obvious things—and feelings—are those often missed first. Sometimes we find it easier to create drama than to enjoy the feeling of ease.

This new moon in Cancer is very special. Not only are our heart songs going to ring true, but we are going to feel a great sense of peace once we are able to release our emotions and then manifest what we so desire into our actual lives.

At this point, we’ve all lost the ability to lie—especially to ourselves, and although the truth is often hard to come by, it will be drenching the night air around us on this new moon.

During this time Saturn will also be in retrograde, and Pluto will be creating a trine meaning that once again relationships from our past may be coming back up for review.

But the difference is this time—-the universe will be on our side.

There will be a lot of ah-ha moments as things suddenly fall into place, and all the confusion of the past few years will settle allowing us to absorb and understand the lessons we’ve been experiencing.

Sometimes it’s not always easy to see the reason behind the way that things play out—but once in a blue moon everything all comes together.

Even fate can’t argue with the stars.

All new moons are about new beginnings and planting the seeds of change that we would like to have manifested in our lives during the next several lunar cycles—but this moon is about something unique.

It isn’t about planting new seeds—but more about them finally taking root.

It’s sometimes easier to play life like we would a chess game.

It’s easy to be the pawn, and sometimes even to be the queen—to pretend that life, and the secrets of our hearts are something completely different than the throb of honesty that actually beats deep within our souls.

But, this new moon is about everything finally coming together—not only are we going to feel the hot chemistry of deep love and passion—timing will also be on our side.

This time, our hearts are playing for keeps—it’s the time to checkmate in the game of love.


Relephant bonus:




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Relephant bonus: The Five Buddha Families help us use our enlightened and neurotic energy to wake up and be of benefit:


Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Travis May

Photos: Flickr/Torbakhopper


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