December 30, 2015

Dance Your Way into the New Year with Tiny Resolutions Anyone can Conquer.


It’s time to push the reset button on that New Year’s stereo.

Let’s start this party and see what new dances we can learn.

Try moving our bodies, slowly, at first, thinking about the victories and defeats of 2015.

Did we do what we say and say what we mean?

Did we love wildly?

Did we seek our highest self?

Did we remember to speak from our heart?

Did we forgive ourselves?

Did we offer our hands and hearts for others?

Let’s sway with the beat while creating a mental list of our resolutions for 2016. Think of all the possibilities and hopes for our future selves. How do we make them better?

How can we become the person we want to be in the new year?

Turn up the music and dance, while we feel our way into becoming our authentic selves.

Listen more. Trust what our bodies are telling us.

Talk less.

Create more: Art, love, laughter, cookies and cakes, gardens and stories.

Consume less.

Laugh more. Be playful.

Self-deprecate less.

Eat more. Try a healthy new food: spicy okra and black-eyed peas or a raw vegan mango-almond-date cake.

Sit less.

Risk more. Put ourselves in new positions like snowboarding or standing in front of an open-mic to read our poetry.

Fear less. Enjoy the mysteries of the unknown.

Smile more. Be open and look up from our phones while living our lives.

Netflix less. Create our own movies.

Love more.

Judge less. Accept others for where they are in their journey.

Bike more. Put on that helmet and discover a slower-paced world.

Drive less.

Yoga more. Breathe into those asanas, and…

Worry less.

Dance more. Like right now—get up and feel the rhythm. Discover our dreams for the New Year.



Relephant read: 

Make it a Powerful New Year.


Author: Jessie Wright

Editor: Nicole Cameron

Image: Unsplash/Pixabay

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