December 21, 2015

To You, who Feels Invisible. {Poem}

Flickr/Anastasia Yankovskaya

To you who feels alone—

Slowly rising every morning,
Like our sun,
Often lonely in this sky.
Know that you are a star,
And that there are others,
You burn brightly.

To you, who ebbs and flows
Through the long and short days
Like a silvery, contemplative moon
You observe from perceived solitude
The persistent rushing of the world
As you flow like the tides,
You shine with wisdom.

To you, who either howls
Away from the pack
Or gently whispers to yourself
“Keep on—just keep on.”
You, who sometimes strains to hear
The wise voice of your own soul
You are heard.

To you who bravely travels
Lifetimes in a single day,
Who allows themselves to feel
The grief and joy and everything else,
Of a thousand people,
Who do not yet see
You are seen.

To you, who creates on your own
In a frenzy of Divine inspiration
And childlike curiosity,
From the dark doldrums,
And the whimsical joy
Of a true love for yourself—
You exist, beautifully.



The Eternal in your Eyes. {A Poem}


Author: Katie Vessel

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

Photo: Flickr/Anastasia Yankovskaya

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