January 27, 2016

We Get One Chance to Walk This Planet.

Daniela Brown/Flickr

New Year—one year less. Not to be morbid, but a new year also means one less year on earth.

Last night, my brother and I sat down and did some calculations.

We’ve both been alive for 30-something years. The first decade was somewhat a blur, but also our foundation and the fundamental character-building years. The second decade—our roaring twenties—we made impulsive decisions, fought for love, fought for career, saved some money, spent a lot more than we made and then one day woke up and we were 30.

Now, in our thirties, we have (some) clarity and, according to our calculations and family history, we are about halfway through our lives. If we count on our good gene pool, and a little luck, lots of healthy eating and exercise, we are still about halfway through the most active years of our life.

I told my brother what I wanted to do during this next decade of my life, and he responded without hesitancy:

Do it.

But, I said.

Do it.

I sat and stared. The list of all my responsibilities came to mind (many family commitments, schedules to follow, meals to cook, places to be)—all of which did not seem as important as the fact that, no matter what, I have to live my life, so how do I want it all to look? Feel? Be experienced?

He turned to me and said, Sis, we get one chance to walk this planet.

This. Is. It.

Today, I feel empowered to make all the changes I want to make in order to live my most vibrant life. Tomorrow, I may be scared (actually, I’m sure I will be scared). Either way, those dreams and desires are beckoning. They are calling. They are waiting to be lived.

In the spirit of the new year, new beginnings, many new moons, know your vibrancy.

Know that you are given one chance to really experience life in this unique body, in this unique form.

You are given one chance to roam with these phenomenal legs and tremendous eyes and unique voice.

In another decade, you might not have the ability to do what you love. You may not be able to write furiously or teach yoga with agility; you may not be able to travel with ease or make love with fervor.

So today, I encourage you to do it.

Do it all with no regrets.

Do it all without asking for permission.

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”
~ Rumi


Relephant Read:

Fear: how do you live your life?


Author: Ashley Martinez

Editor: Toby Israel

Image: Daniela Brown/Flickr


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