March 3, 2016

Jane Goodall Captures our Hearts in a Powerful 5 Minutes. {Video}


 Time is precious. I get it. We all have things to do and places to go.

That’s why it’s so important to fill up our “spare” moments with things that nurture us and support us in becoming who we want to be.

This five-minute video interview of Jane Goodall for the movie HUMAN is one of the most loving and powerful videos I’ve seen in a while. Not only does the 80-year-old environmental advocate poignantly remind us that we are all connected as human beings, but also that we are only part of something much bigger than ourselves.

“My name is Jane Goodall,” she begins. “My age is 80. My job is giving people hope.” And she does.

If you only have five minutes today to expand your mind, shine your light, and focus your attention on something positive, let this be it.

“This planet can provide for human need, but not for human greed.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi



Author: Amanda Christmann

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Youtube

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