Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:
Fracking is legal in Boulder on November 18. Emergency! Here’s what we can do:
Amendment 71, is backed by million of dollars from the oil and gas industry and their advocates, in large part because it is intended to stall any future attempts to place ballot initiatives like #75 (local control over oil and gas) and #78 (2500’ setbacks) on the ballot. These special interests have amassed over $4 million to convince Coloradans to surrender their right to initiate important changes to Colorado law.
Suzanne says: email [email protected] and ask them to put in a new moratorium, 2. to require frackers to open their books to show they’re solvent and, 3. will clean up at least as much as they can, and 4. have a plan for the waste.
Then, two, meeting at Courthouse across from/between Boulder Theater and Shine on November 15th at noon. Wear white shirt to show solidarity if you can’t comment.
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