March 7, 2018

To the Boss Ladies: A Letter from a Man. {Poem}

A Letter to Women

This is a letter to women.
To the leaders in the boardroom who close deals and lead teams.
Whose intelligence can solve the biggest problems,
and whose intuition allows us to catch glimpses into
the deepest parts of ourselves and the universe.

To the boss ladies,
who have a laptop clutched under one arm and a baby held by the other.
The ones who, despite experiencing physical pain, push through the discomfort
and show up to the office with a smile as if nothing was wrong.

To the bad b*tches,
who break all stereotypes of what a woman can be.
Grounded in her feminine power, a force to be reckoned with.
Independent, strong, yet gentle, who roars like a lioness
but can also welcome and receive the love of a man.

To the ones who birthed us and held us in their arms as children,
and the ones who hold space for us as men,
so we may discover and develop our unique gifts in the service of others.

To the muses
who, with just one glance, can set a man’s heart ablaze in
the deepest flames of ecstatic desire, passion, and love,
that pours out as beautiful poetry and magnificent art healing all who witness it.

To the ones who embody patience, forgiveness, and grace,
and endure our anger, jealousy, frustration, and lust.
The ones who forgive us when we take too much,
or claim what has not been offered.

To the ones who, despite having their hearts broken,
still choose to keep it open and choose to love another man.
To trust another man.
To still believe in love.

To the ones who challenge us to keep an open heart
by submerging us in the storms of their emotions.
The ones who see parts of us that are afraid to be seen and love us unconditionally.

Thank you.
A Man





Author: Ali Sardar
Image: Author’s Own
Editor: Catherine Monkman
Copy & Social Editor: Callie Rushton

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