Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, other—we all agree that partisanship is the problem.
But it’s their problem.
It’s never our problem.
In reality, partisanship—even if you or I happen to be right about something—is always a problem.
Sherlock Holmes, when asked how he was such a genius, replied: I’m not a genius. I just go into a situation with an open mind, gather clues, and put them together. Whatever they tell me is what is, no matter how unlikely. Others do the opposite. They go in with a fixed idea of what is, and arrange the clues to fit their preconception.
That ways lies madness. That way lies fake news. That way lies hate, and prejudice (pre-judging), and even (uncivil) war.
Take fracking. We liberals here in Boulder love to hate it. But we also love our natural gas stoves, we swear by ’em. Where does natural gas come from? Much of it (not all), from fracking.
Take voter or food stamp fraud. Neither really exists (especially voter fraud). Military fraud is far higher, but Fox News doesn’t call for the end of military funding, or outsourcing military work to private contractors, now do they?
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