September 6, 2018

The Right Way to Tone your Vaginal Muscles.

Kegels, yoni eggs, and vaginal weight lifting—they’re all over social media lately.

It’s beautiful to see more awareness emerging about vaginal health and vitality. However, a lot of the information out there could actually cause serious damage to our pelvic floor health.

Just like anything else, there is a right and wrong way to tone your vaginal muscles. The wrong way (which is most of what’s being taught on the internet) leads to serious pelvic floor dysfunctions, whereas the right way (which I explain in the video below) leads to a healthy, strong, and supple vagina.


Check out this video to understand how to safely relax and tone your vaginal muscles:

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Aida Lucie

author: Aida Lucie

Image: Instagram

Editor: Kelsey Michal