December 17, 2018

This Winter Solstice, make Three Wishes.

In honor of fast-approaching Invicti Solis, the darkest day of the year, Children’s Day…better known as the Winter Solstice…

…I’d like to offer gratitude to my newlywed wife for our friendly, respectful love and boisterous, chaotic family that admits room for our heart-mission work and travel in the coming years.

I’d like to pray for no war, and a return of healthy democracy to the US: what we’ve seen with Big Tech’s influence on our country is more than sad, it’s un-democratic and un-American.

Most of all I wish for the continued and often-painful blossoming of social equality for all sentient beings across our world, and the attention of all rational, intelligent, caring humans on the ever-increasing threat of climate crisis.

Leave your 3 wishes or mindful new habits for this next year in the comments.

Note: The power of our bothering to make a wish, aspiration, or mindful vow is immense. These aren’t resolutions in an unhealthy sense—we don’t wish to be better or change who we are, but we do wish to make friends with who we are…and then we can truly improve in kindness and self-kindness.

The instinct—to mark the passage of time by taking a fresh look at our lives—is a healthy one.⁠

So let’s engage in something that, instead of merely “trying to be better,” which is a subtle form of self-aggression—invests our attention into something that we can do for the rest of this life!

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