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December 19, 2018

Will Gratitude Re-route the Course of Humanity?

On 21st December 2012 we entered the Age of Aquarius/New Age.

There are many theories regarding the exact date when the next stage of evolution began/will begin, however this is the most common conclusion.

The Eclipse season this summer was marked as a major turning point in humanity…

If you’re reading this as an Elephant Journal follower like myself, you’ll no doubt be aware that consciousness is slowly but surely beginning to rise more and more around the world. All of course in perfect divine timing.



We are currently experiencing a chapter in history where it feels as if current affairs couldn’t get much worse.

The wrong political people in power, greed running the economy and incessant environmental disasters are very much our current reality. It’s no wonder that more and more people are desperately seeking to resolve careless action such as negligence to recycle and voting without understanding the extent of what they’re actually voting for.

When the present moment appears bleak all around us, how else can we seek solace?

Well, even some of the most spiritually disinterested of beings are awakening to the powerful impact of turning one’s attention inward to escape the external chaos.

It’s no wonder that more and more people are becoming interested in reading self-help books as well as learning about meditation, yoga and other mindful activities to escape the stress climax which our world has reached.
We need to focus more of our attention on the present moment where there is much to be rewarded.

Tuning into the present involves silence, peace and quite simply, gratitude for being alive. When we quieten the ongoing storytelling in the mind for just a few moments, we reap benefits such as mental clarity, improved concentration and careful action.


I’ve found that practicing gratitude for the smallest of things has made me happier for all in life that I have, obsess less about the things I don’t, and ultimately, manifest more positive experiences in my everyday life.

When my spirits are high and I’m feeling good, things always work out for me. When I’m feeling down and resentful, this is followed by a downward spiral of unfortunate events.

I know we can all relate to days like these, and slowly but surely, individuals are becoming conscious of these happenings as more than just coincidence.

As more human beings come to realise that WE have the power to create the lives we dream of, we can re-route the course of humanity for the better.



When I awakened to my spirit five years ago, it dawned on me soon after that I had a deep-seated calling to spread the light of consciousness as far and wide as possible.

I’d been going through perhaps the most challenging time in my life yet. My family and I had moved to Scotland where I was bullied in school due to what I assume to be cultural differences from having come from abroad. At the tender and naïve age of 14, I was full of confusion and contemplation about who I was and who I would become if I continued on what felt like this path of doom.

I’d visited a fortune teller who identified this black cloud which had entered my life.
She assured me better times were soon to unfold and recommended I read a book called, “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. It was when I began reading this that I discovered the Law of Attraction and began to learn that through the power of the mind I could manifest my wildest dreams into reality.


Having felt so lost and unsure of which way to turn, I focused all my energy into pursuing my goal of somehow moving back home to where the foundation of my youth began.

I recited affirmations and visualised ideal scenarios of being back with the friends and surroundings which made my definition of happiness.

Lone behold, out of nowhere, one day my Dad received a wonderful job opportunity back in Belgium where I’d grown up.

I will never forget the moment when he came into my room and told me. The euphoria I experienced was like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

Lost for words, I couldn’t believe at the age of 14, I’d managed to learn and implement the Law of Attraction to transform my entire life.

It was on this day that the power of the mind became apparent to me.

Each and every one of us holds a higher power beyond our physical grasp to create the lives of our dreams.


Now, if this were to magnify onto a global level, I truly believe would be the answer to world peace.

However of course, much easier said than done.

One person might not be able to change the world, but one person can make an impact, no matter how big or small.


If we were all to adopt a unified mindset and harness our divine power to create happier, and more positive lives, we will shift away from a cultural phenomenon of separatism and fear, towards a culture of unconditional love and equality.

We may still be a long way off from an enlightened society, however, every journey is made up of a series of small steps.

We can begin by understanding that we attract what we feel. Therefore, if we get into the habit of controlling our reactions to situations more positively, we can attract more positive situations into our lives.

When we become more in touch with our needs and emotions, we shape better lives for ourselves.


I’m amazed by how many people I’ve connected with on social media who have awakened to their true potential and are working like messengers to raise collective consciousness for the benefit of the future of our civilisation.

The internet has been a wonderful tool to spread the awareness of the effects of positive action far and wide.

How truly remarkable that information is so easily transmitted to all four corners of the globe in a matter of seconds.

The knowledge required to transcend to the next stage of human life is readily available at the click of a button.


However, we mustn’t forget that some of this information is still largely misrepresented and controversial.

If the truth can be told in a way that’s straight forward, logical and easy to understand, it will be believed.

The more people open to the truth and communicate their experiences, the stronger global consciousness becomes, aiding in our collective energetic shift from the third dimension (physical world) to the fourth dimension (non-physical/spiritual world) and beyond!


~ Out of emptiness arises compassion ~


So, what was the significance of this summer’s Eclipse?

Eclipses mark an increase of spiritual energy here on planet earth. This year we witness not just one but five of them, including the longest Lunar eclipse of the century. This making the energetic presence even more powerful.


As consciousness rises faster and faster, we evolve away from a world driven by fear to a world lead by love.

If we continue experiencing the world in the way that we have been, it will lead to the fall of our civilisation – just as so many before.

However, if we choose to love ourselves, those around us and our planet, we can re-route our journey away from self-destruction and towards prosperity.


Time is up in believing that heaven only exists beyond the skies.

Heaven is all around us, we merely have to tap into it by responding to everyday situations as compassionately as possible. Through careful attention and mindful practices such as meditation, we can biologically restructure our brains to react instinctively out of love instead of fear. This is the ultimate goal.


It’s exciting to dwell on the prospect that times are beginning to change, and the future will be bright.

If we each make the conscious effort to make better choices in our everyday lives, this can develop into a spread of compassionate energy everywhere. For example, imagine committing a random act of kindness to a stranger on the street. This will no doubt put them in a good mood and perhaps inspire them to do something good for someone else, and then that person onto the next and so on. The butterfly effect.


My concluding thoughts on this topic, instead of collapsing on the floor when something bad happens, look within and work with your higher power to create a better tomorrow.
Live with an open mind, a whole lot of love, and together we can all create the world we are dreaming of.



Tori is a 22-year-old, third culture kid.

Blessed to have grown up surrounded by people from many backgrounds, these experiences have made her open minded, accepting, and compassionate.

Tori runs a blog centred around spirituality and plant-based nutrition. Her aim is to inspire and motivate people to make positive changes in their lives by balancing the mind, body and soul.
Tori’s website is and @SatoriShifts on Instagram.

Tori dreams of travelling the globe and shining the light on collective consciousness. Her mission is to develop her blog into a business and motivate people to pursue their wildest dreams. She wants to learn more about the many cultures of the world and experience all the beauty that our planet has to offer!

Always available for contact at: [email protected]

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