January 2, 2019

2018 Rocked our World, but Here’s What’s in Store for 2019—According to Numerology.


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A post shared by Elephant Journal (@elephantjournal) on Dec 31, 2018 at 11:26pm PST

If 2018 kicked your ass but you came out on top, let me be the first to congratulate you.

This past year wasn’t for the faint of heart—it required us to up-level our perspective, programming, and limiting beliefs.

If our lives are a novel, 2018 ruthlessly edited our cast of characters and pushed us out of the narrator seat for a hot minute. We held its beer while it did its thing. 

It was as if we lived an entire lifetime of trials. 2018 reminded us life is fluid and many situations are beyond our control. Pivotal losses highlighted our weaknesses as we were asked to show up and face our fears—knees buckling, hands trembling, and eyes watering. We lived the true definition of letting go. 

We were challenged to our core, broken open, and at times left pleading for clarity—but we can now see that much of the unavoidable heartbreak and seemingly everlasting chaos was simply clearing our path, not obstructing it.

And as painful as it was, we were left with a clearer sense of self and a deep knowing there were higher energies at play behind the scenes. 

Even Buddhist teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche has said, “Chaos should be regarded as extremely good news.”

Our job is to lean into it, sink our teeth into its lessons, and use it to shape-shift into a more authentic version of self. 

As we move into a new year, learning to embrace the dramatic shifts, losses, and lessons of 2018 is pivotal. It is only by doing so that we step fully equipped into a purposeful, high-vibe 2019. Because if we did the work surrounding the karmic issues that seemed to eclipse last year’s desire for clarity and closure, a more playful, heart-centered, and creative year awaits. 

If we didn’t heal and accept the lessons associated with letting go in 2018, they will present themselves without mercy.

What we resist persists, and unhealthy coping mechanisms and relationships top the list of unhealed challenges we’ll come face-to-face with.

Imagine the struggles of 2018 as a misspelled word that needs to be edited from a piece of writing. If we continue engaging in the same situations no longer serving us, they’ll show up in obnoxiously large font—underlined, bold, and highlighted. 

2019 is a 12 universal year, which can then be broken down to a 3 (2+0+1+8+12 and when broken down again, 1+2=3). This unique combination provides deep-seated clarity, exciting new ventures, and a highly charged opportunity to manifest our once illusive, creative endeavors—but only if we did the demanding, high-intensity work 2018 bestowed upon us. 

The good news is that our yearning for change (job/home/relationships) is given a springboard and wings with a 12/3 year. 

Twelve holds the energy of the numbers 1 (which deals with creative energy) and 2 (which is about cooperation and balance). These two numbers outline the need to collaborate with others in order to begin living our highest purpose. Take this article for example: without an editor, a picture, all our loyal readers, and the Elephant Journal platform, it may have never left my computer. 

There will be a sense of urgency and desire to live a more creative life. It may be subtle for some, but it’s important to recognize its existence. The need to venture out beyond our perceived boundaries regarding all creative endeavors—work, business, parenting, friendships, problem-solving, and romantic relationships—will be telltale indicators we’re on the right path. 

Like a beach ball under water, whatever is creatively untapped will be yearning to express itself into the world.

For most of us, it will be associated in some way with our deepest fears or shadow side, but we know we’re meant to bring it forth into the world despite vulnerability and self-doubt. It’s a year of turning our pain into gifts for the world. 

The kicker is that in order to do this, we must first confront issues surrounding our own blockages and emotional patterns in regard to how we communicate with others and ourselves. The 3 energy asks us to face our fear of self-expression and reach out to the collective in order to do so.

In other words, our job is to be seen in our vulnerability, through our paintings, words, music, communication, and sensitivity. 

Because 3 is a highly social number that deals with expression and sensitivity, we can expect deeper and more meaningful communication coming from ourselves and others. This also relates to our inner voice and the stories we relay and replay within our own consciousness—especially in the midst of unpredictability. 

To simplify, when combing the 1, 2, and 3 energies of the upcoming year, we’re asked to creatively and authentically express ourselves while working with others to directly impact our planet and fellow humans in a positive way.

In order to accomplish this, we’ll be asked to take a closer look at what is no longer serving this mission. And because this task is not an easy one, the most powerful skill we can harbor is the ability to acknowledge what is coming into our awareness to aid our expansion, and what is simply a distraction meant to keep us feeling safe. 

As the old saying goes, the comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there.

This is why we will face an array of unhealthy distractions. These inevitable diversions give us the opportunity to prioritize our life and not become subservient to the external and negative interruptions that could hinder our highest good.

This is simply the universe asking us how serious we are about living the life we say we want. 

Because of the 2 energy in a 12 year, there will be challenges surrounding learning to balance serving the collective while taking care of ourselves. We will be given ample opportunities to set boundaries with people and commitments we take on in order to conquer our creative goals. And like a muscle, we’ll get a little stronger each time.  

A solid rule of thumb to help combat this challenge is reminding ourselves that unless it’s a hell yes, it’s a no.

We can do anything, just not everything, and a 3 year provides the perfect opportunity to step into this practice because when we do, doors will swing open, ushering us toward our highest creative expression. 

Challenges surrounding balancing the masculine and feminine energies will become painfully obvious. Those with predominately masculine traits will be asked to soften and show a more sensitive side, while those with more feminine qualities will find themselves in situations requiring them to speak up. Once again, healthy communication will be highlighted in order to help bring these seemingly opposing forces into a more sustainable balance.

As a collective, we will be experiencing these things on a universal level. We’ll see organizations coming together in order to aid in healing our planet, while fear-based thinking and old school beliefs will continue to shift. We’ll see beautiful collaborations taking shape and many people taking a more active role in their community. 

While it may seem that the world is experiencing unparalleled division, it’s simply that the old way of being is gasping for air. The veil will be thinner, and with communication being a central theme, we can expect that prominent, powerful figures worldwide will continue to be exposed. There is no hiding among these energies, and a deep unearthing of what needs to heal will continue to surface. 

Our job is work on ourselves, educate ourselves, and, in the simplest of terms, be choosy about where to give a care and where to let go. Where we place our energy will be indicative of our self-work as well as a solid gauge of what distractions we’re allowing to dictate our life when we’re well aware our energy is more valuable in different areas. 

Like any year, there will be shake-ups. The most important morsel of truth we must embrace in a 12/3 year is that these inevitable changes are directing us toward our highest calling. 

More will continue to fall away as we use our voice and embrace our creative side. 

May the bridges we burn illuminate our way in 2019.


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