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January 1, 2019

Simple Action For Pure Peace And Contentment In Life

In the world which is filled with competition and the measurement of success many seem to have lost their contentment towards life and everyone seem to be living their life base on the measurement of their possessions and for a certain fact average people living in this world believe in success through what they are able to posses which has made the act of contentment in people to be very low.

Contentment in life is the biggest possession you can actually have, when you seem to be very content with the things you have acquired in life then you might be finding your way to an everlasting peace of mind. Although is not advisable to settle for less in life but finding happiness in the little you have at present prepare you for a greater blessing. Contentment is actually the key to pure peace in life, have you wonder the simple way to have contentment in life? here are some simple steps towards contentment:

  1. Recognize enough: Know that in every little thing you are able to acquire in life someone else where is thinking of getting at least one bit of it, learn to accept that true life is happening right now and also learn to celebrate the accomplishment and the good things as they happen and also avoid looking ahead too far for more of the same. Recognize that what you have been able achieve in truly enough to make you happy.
  2. Show humility: Remember that someone somewhere doesn’t even have a shelter for the fact that you wake up every morning and you wake to having a little space you can call your own then you are living life, appreciate what the nature have been able to provide you and see how content you will start growing to be.
  3. Have real fun: Never regret any thing in life, know that things happen in life because it has to happen, never regret anything. Try as much as possible to have fun regardless of anything life might throw at you. Know that regret is a mood killer and we often take the serious and over analyzed road when making decisions, know that it is good to take chance even if it entails a big mistake, never give up on having fun and letting go of things that can’t be controlled.
  4. Simplify life: Give up on the things you know you can’t change, know when to let go on the things you don’t need and know that so many things can fall into this category, material things, toxic relationships and so many other. Whatever is not good for your peace of mind let them go.
  5. Make room for quiet:  Give time to pray and meditate, have an alone time when you have to think about your life and how to make it worthwhile. Give up control and release yourself to thoughts and emotions that can heal, strengthen and even surprise you.

Contentment can only be achieved if you are set to be contented which will give you the pure peace you need in your life, for instance Pete Hegseth an American military officer, he spoke about how great his life have been since the time he find contentment in it which has set him in a place of peace of mind as many greater things began to unfold in his life.

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