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January 25, 2019

What have YOU done for YOU lately? Tips to avoid burnout.

What Have YOU Done for YOU Lately?

Maybe it is a lot, but usually the answer is very little.

We have all seen it or maybe experienced it ourselves – incredible talent, passion, leadership skills and then one day it boils up to a point that it is just complete burnout.  Burnout is a serious issue we need to be monitoring in the working world today, whether it is with your team or yourself.  The Mayo Clinic defines burnout as “a special type of work-related stress – a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.”  Many times, it is the feeling that there is so much to be done and many individuals want to do a great job, want to make a difference and want to get ahead, so much so that they often forget to take care of themselves in the process.  I cannot say that there is an easy fix because most likely it depends on the individual and their desire to implement change, but the tips below can help one move closer to work/life balance and hopefully avoiding burnout completely.

If this sounds familiar, if you are ready for some work/life balance or know someone who is – the first question to ask is “What have YOU done for YOU lately?”

Here are a few tips to consider when looking for work / life balance:

  1. Find your own pace and define your own balance. A few years ago, a friend shared with me her secret to life “there is no balance in life.”  Though for many years I felt maybe this was true, I have come to the realization, that there is balance and it is important to ensure there is balance, but it is different for each of us and you will need to define what successful balance looks like to you.
    1. One way to start introducing more balance in your life is to clear out some time for reflection each day. Some find it best to start the day with some quiet time and reflect on what it is that they want to accomplish during the day or week, this helps them clear their mind and get focused for the day.  Others hit the ground running in the morning and find it better to reflect at the end of the day, reviewing their encounters and events from the day and preparing for the next day.  I tend to do a little of both, and I never find it a waste of time for some inner reflection.  Work at your own pace and respect that every step is bringing some balance into your life.
    2. Along the same lines as reflection, another great tool is journaling. Journaling is great to integrate into reflection time and you can easily get started with just a notebook, pen, few questions and a nice quiet spot.  Start in a location where you feel comfortable and set a time limit so you do not feel pressured.  Begin with questions that inspire you to write – what makes me happy? – what gives me hope? – what is important to me? – when am I happiest? – etc.
    3. An important part of finding balance in your life is finding time to exercise. Get your body moving, being sedentary is not good for the body, mind or spirit. Get moving and breathe.  A simple walk around the block and some deep breaths can clear your mind and help you feel more at balance during you day.  If this makes you feel good, just think what a regular exercise routine could do for you.  Try to take the stairs, park further away from buildings, ride, roll, bike, etc. to work or activities if possible.  If it becomes part of your routine, you are more likely to stick with it.


  1. Sign-up for some self-development.
    1. Go back to school. This does not have to be literal, if you do not want to be on a campus there are many on-line opportunities for you to deepen or sharpen your skills.  Pick up a new book, attend a webinar or watch YouTube videos can be helpful with creative educational opportunities.   Improving and enhancing your personal development is always a good investment.
    2. It is always a good time to learn something new. Certifications or official credited classes are fantastic, but you can also learn a new skill or hobby that can activate parts of your brain that have been asleep.  A new challenge can be exciting and open the doors for growth both personally and professionally.
    3. Networking can be a great opportunity to connect with other people in your field or with similar interests. You don’t have to be a people person to enjoy networking, you can choose to do this on-line as well if you are committed to being active and making the connections count.


  1. Share the knowledge.  Possibly now you are even more aware that burnout is an issue and it is important to be self-aware and aware of those close to you as well.  If you are experiencing signs of burnout or notice them in those close to you, share the knowledge.
    1. Ask: When is the last time you have asked your friends or family about their stress levels and what they do to create some balance in their lives?  These are the people usually closest to us and it is important we watch for clues and red flags with them as well.  If they too can carve out and define a life that is more balanced, these people will be happier too.
    2. Share: Many times, we spend more times with our work colleagues and peers than anyone else, and if they are miserable and unhappy at work then productivity and morale for the entire team will suffer.  When you notice a colleague is experiencing burn-out, share with them some tips that are working for you.  Sometimes, people just need some encouragement to allow themselves some time for self-care.
    3. Lead: As leaders, it is crucial that we identify anyone under our leadership struggling to create some balance.  This is the time for you to grow and discuss what can be done to help them find a better pace at work and in their lives.  Being a good leader comes with many responsibilities, one of which is to ensure those around you and those who are under your leadership are finding a way to manage the stresses of work (we all have them) and are able to thrive in their work and personal life.

Of course, heading to the beach or a hike through the mountains can help one cope with burnout, but the reality is the same stresses will be there waiting.  If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms, share some tips from above or possibly something positive YOU have done for YOU lately!


Brandi Hale

Beyond the Common Consulting, LLC


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