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January 16, 2019

What to Do For Living a Healthy & Happy Life?

When handling our busy lifestyle, we often feel a bit down in the dumps. We feel we can’t stick to our schedule and can’t be productive at our everyday activities.

Working long hours and trying to survive those heavy burdens of tasks drains our energy. Luckily there are some easy remedies that can help us feel more positive, energized and get us back on the track.

Maintaining wellness is deeply associated with our nutrition intake and physical activity behaviors. Incorporating healthy eating habits and a good exercising routine can eventually help us to stay strong and help us thrive to move through our life’s journey.

Here we’ve laid out a few useful things that can help us lead a healthy, happy life.

Be physically active

Researchers emphasize the importance of being physically active on both our brain and body health. Apart from keeping our heart muscles stronger and fending off a host of diseases, it plays a significant role in improving our mental and emotional well-being.

When a person remains physically active for 30 minutes or more in a day he experiences a reduction in anxiety and depression and an increase in self-confidence and wit. Healthy movements can lead to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy outlook. So remember, a bit of walking, sports, dancing, yoga or running will pay off in many ways.

Promote healthy eating habits

A lot of us have trouble living a ‘good life’ because we don’t exactly it takes. Certainly, health is one important factor that deeply contributes to it.  Our happiness and social well-being are directly related to our overall health.  You won’t be surprised to know what we eat affects our mind and body.

A poor diet high in saturated fats and refined sugars has a very potent negative impact on brain proteins. Therefore, a poor diet can lead to, or increase anxiety symptoms and cause regular headaches.

On the other hand, a good diet can bring significant improvements to our brain function. Small changes such as filling half the plate with vegetables, replacing sweets with fruits and consuming fresh foods instead of canned foods can be a great way to build healthy eating habits. Eating a well-balanced, low-fat diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can do wonders to improve your mood and can eventually lead to a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Encourage good hydration

We all know the science, “Staying hydrated is important for our health”. But does that mean drinking water can impact our mood and happiness? Needless to say, our bodies are over 50 percent water, so it does make sense that running low on the water can negatively affect our mood.

Studies have found too little water intake impacts our mood. So when you feel tired, stressed and foggy in the brain, lack of water could be a factor. Moreover, drinking water keeps our muscles energized and helps speed up our metabolism, while it also flushes out toxins. Make drinking plenty of water a part of your daily life, and you will be surprised how much better it makes you feel.

Involve in feel-good activities

Activities that you can enjoy will likely keep you stay active and eat healthily. If you aren’t sure about those activities, here are a few.


Meditation is a simple way to change your life for the better. It improves mental awareness, gives relief in stress and anxiety, improves brain function and enhances memory and learning.

Spend even five minutes a day in meditation and you will find significant improvements in your life.


Yoga is probably the best activity to relieve stress and boost your brain power. Practicing yoga is said to come with many benefits for both and mental and physical health.

A few of these include:

  • Decreases stress
  • Provides emotional health boost
  • Relives anxiety
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves heart health
  • Fights depression
  • Reduces chronic pain
  • Improves the quality of life

Do things you’re good at

No matter you are good at some kind of sport, gardening, cooking, teaching, helping out your friends with work or studies or even playing with your children. Every time you do something you are good at releases brain endorphins, giving you a boost of happiness and positivity.

Doing such activities on regular basis will keep your mind active and keep your body energized so you can be ready for new challenges and opportunities in life.

Get enough sleep

Well, we already know most of us to need at least eight hours of sleep a night. That’s something our body really need, not want. And there is a good reason for it. Our body is designed to repair damages, re-charge cells, improve stress and reduce inflammation best when we sleep.

Good sleep means a happier and better self. It matters most when someone is looking to relieve pain, sharpen the mind, boost immunity, and ultimately overall improving health. All in all, sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. However, if you find any difficulties in sleeping the right numbers of hours every night make sure to stick to a sleep schedule, exercise daily and create a comfortable sleeping environment.

Be grateful for what you have

There could be a lot of negativity surrounding you. But there are always a few things that you feel positive about and feel grateful for.

When you are demotivated and depressed, think about all those things that make you happy, feel important and give a meaning to your life. Doing so will make you more optimistic and give a more healthy outlook on life.

The Takeaway

Life today has become increasingly challenging. The ups and downs, stressors and increasing work activities do create hurdles to live a happy, healthy life.

However, making a few changes in your life and beginning some healthy habits is a great idea to get on the wellness journey. The aforementioned are among the most useful things that can help you to create a healthy, happy life no matter what.

It’s all up to you now!

Author Bio:

Nancy Jones is a lifestyle blogger and professional academic writer. She has over 10 years of experience working at a reputable assignment writing service in the UK. Besides writing, she loves to travel and spends quality time with friends and families and enjoys participating in adventure activities.


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