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January 30, 2019

Why Mummies Need Orgasms Too

When we’ve just given birth, generally, sex is the last thing on our minds. Extreme fatigue; a tiny little person to care for; pain and possibly being stunned by the new modus-operandi of life, all contribute to pushing sex and orgasms to the bottom of our agendas.

However, orgasms (alone or with a partner) have huge benefits for all women, but for new mums especially. If you feel in need of some motivation as to why you should begin to explore that aspect of your life again, alone or with your special someone, read on.

Life without orgasms is just not great. Even if we are tired, bedraggled and feeling generally like shit, a ‘little death’ (as the French refer to orgasms,) can bring us back to life with tons of health benefits. Not only do orgasms make for a happy mummy, but a more patient, calm and balanced parent.

  1. Orgasms Make You Feel Great Even When You’re Not in The Middle of One

Orgasm is not limited in scope to making you feel good for five minutes before falling asleep. Science has shown that frequent sex and orgasms are very important to the general well-being and health of everyone. The more frequently you orgasm, the better you will feel on both a physical and psychological level.

Oxytocin is that magical hormone that rushes through the body when we first fall in love. Oxytocin can take us to the dizzy heights of a love sickness that makes food and sleep seem so much less important than looking into the eyes of our newfound love.

Another of oxytocin’s main functions is preparing the female body for childbirth, stimulating milk production so that baby can nurse, and encouraging the bond between the mom and her new-born baby.

The hormone also plays an important part in sexual arousal and is released when you have an orgasm. It’s important in nonsexual relationships too, and presence of the hormone has shown to increase trust, generosity and cooperation. The more Oxytocin we release, the more happy, relaxed and generally blissed out we become. Orgasms = Oxytocin. Do we need any more reasons??


  1. Orgasms Release Stress and Tension

In a similar vein, being a parent always creates some nervous tensions and stress.  Just as jobs and relationships take their toll on the mental balance, so does looking after a mini person 24-7. Sex and orgasms are a chance for these tensions to be released. Thus, the mind uses orgasm to flush the tensions out of the system and replace them with the delicious relaxation of that comes with the pleasure of the Big O.


  1. It’s Better Than Paracetamol for Killing Pain

Don’t let your headaches get in the way. What our partners often don’t realize is that headaches are often a woman’s way of saying “You have to try harder” or “I’d rather just sleep thank you.” The pleasure brought by orgasm is the result of a discharge of endorphins into the brain. No headache can survive the attack of pleasure flooding the brain and the calming effect it has. So, if the headache, fatigue or even insomnia is genuine, an orgasm can even help with this.


  1. The Big O Before Bedtime Helps You Sleep

The best thing to do after disentangling from your lover’s tender embrace is, of course, to slip into a deep sleep. The combined exertion of sex and relaxation brought by orgasm is the perfect replacement for any sleeping pill. Even if full sex is not back on the menu, take time to bring yourself to climax. This little extra will help you sleep soundly until it’s time to get up with baby. Instead of reaching out for a bottle of sleeping pills, you would be better off reaching out for the partner lying in the bed next to you or for your favourite sex toy (try a Yoni egg for extra pelvic floor rejuvenation also.) It’s a perfectly natural solution that we heartily recommend.

  1. Orgasms Curb Your Appetite (for food!)

Aside from releasing endorphins into the brain sexual stimulation also activates the production of phenethylamine, an amphetamine secreted by the body which is thought to play a role in the regulation of appetite. Of course, sex is not meant to replace a healthy diet, but it seems to go some way toward helping you rein in those food cravings and it does burn some calories. Cravings and over eating can go with the territory of breast feeding also, and orgasms will help to contain this. In fact, sex even burns more calories per minute than tennis. Fact.


  1. Your Heart Needs Orgasms

The number of scientific studies showing that frequent orgasms are good for one’s health is testimony to the important role played by a successful sex life in the physical and mental health of all men and women. Aside from the fact that increased heart rate and heavy breathing keep the circulatory system in shape and make oxygen circulate through the body, sex has other benefits.

A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 1976 showed that failure to reach orgasm has a negative impact on the cardiovascular health of women. Doctor Winnifred Cutler, a specialist in endocrinology, found that women who have sex at least once a week are more likely to have normal menstrual cycles and higher levels of Estrogen in their blood. Healthy levels of Estrogen help keep the cardiovascular system in shape, fight cholesterol and keep the skin supple.

That’s a great idea, if only I had time for orgasms…

Now you have all the reasons you need to reintroduce orgasms into your life, don’t be put off by lack of time or privacy. Try using a Yoni Egg around the house during the day while looking after the kids. Not only will this rejuvenate the pelvic floor, but it will strengthen and tighten the vaginal canal and bring back sensitivity which you maybe have lost or numbed during child birth. Don’t feel bad about taking this time for you. After birth is the time to re-own your body and discover how it has changed and to embrace this.  If you want to know more about using a Yoni Egg check out my article here.


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